

At last!

We finished our production of 'Bye Bye Birdie!' today, and I feel we had a wonderful run for it. I think our audiences enjoyed themselves. And now, in that show's wake, I have a great number of projects to shift my focus towards. Which is wonderful.

1. David Mamet's American Buffalo
2. Mark Howard Medoff's Children of a Lesser God
3. Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape
4. Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile

Oh, sleep. sleep. come, come to me...

Just trying to stop thinking so much...

Here are some recent shots... enjoy!

Sam and I getting sandwiches after a matinee. I think. We ate sometime...

He is the best. A performer. An artist. Please refer to the bearded man with a turban in an earlier post.

The scene shop during set strike.

Roomate Jeff. Brilliant man and artist. I must say he looks quite handsome in his jacket... and in front of the piano...

Roomate Holden. Not a flattering shot. But the moment was too wonderful not to commemorate. yay. sorry Holden. Also, I was borrowing glasses. But they were so fun.

The beautiful James and Kristin dancing. aaah.... so good. Thank God for friendship.

So. Late nights again. The weather is perfect. close to it at least.

You are never too good.
You are never too bad.
It will remain for you and I. All of you. All of me.

ciao. blessed rest.


Czina said...

have a good sleep.
it looks nice and funny.
i wish i was there with you.
i have a time of depressions still.
sand you video soon.

really miss you

DAN BUCK said...

Hey, what'd you think of Henry Nouwen? He's a pretty amazing dude.

I don't know if you know this word but he's a "contemplative" and I would speculate that you are as well. The coolest contemplative ever is Thomas Merton. He said: The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.