
Recent me

The family at the theatre. Atlanta in January, to see "Going With Jenny" by Thomas and Sherry Ward. 
On the road with the Wards. We encountered mighty beasts. This one is Christopher.
Boss lady. She's my waco mama.
Herbie just recently got into a three year Acting MFA program with a healthy stipend and paid tuition. Couldn't be prouder. 
Mom teaching me a thing or two on my friend John's guitar
I enjoy a good sandwich. 
Hanging out at the Paste offices in Decatur. Man on the left is Jesse Harris. He was on tour with Josh Radin at the time, and he's a really genuine guy. Take a listen.
Los Hombres.
Nashville, Sledge, Flex, Cricket, and Boomer. Actors? Marines? They were featured in Iphigenia 2.0, a play that we finished a month ago. I designed costumes.

In Atlanta, about to see Waltz with Bashir. Very pensive.


The best only breathe

I take you in. 
Through  a nostril, through a tear duct.
Through my throat - I laugh in gusts.

This is all nonsense. I feel all nonsense. I cry to be productive and I think that I it isn't true. I think that I should just exist more. I think that I should just try to breathe more. I think that I get so impatient that I forget about what I am trying to do here. Which is to love to love to love to love. 


I am under a table. sneaking glances at the party going. I will find a way. I will figure it out. 

I had a wonderful moment today!! I went to a costume fitting for a play that I will be in soon, and I met someone that I will be sharing a lot of stage with. He seemed so wonderful, but I fear he is a bit wary of me. And he should! Anyways, he also seems a few years my senior and very serious. Not overly serious, but he definitely gets the job done on time. I just want to learn and share. Does that seem like too much to say in the first talk? Probably not. blah blah blah move on....

Feeling much better. Weeks of Bronchial something or other slowly wearing off. 

night. I am falling asleep. dream dream dream dream dream. I cry for all of these dreams to come true. gosh. I am all it up inside. like a bride. come to me world. 



Dept. of the Quartermaster,
Her royal highnesses boatsmen,
Upon a day of drearye light,
a unseen wreck was took last night.
Been clearing wreckage for one whole day, 
with boats passing back in forth
in somewhat orderly rhythm
with gathr'd supplies back to shore.
Found one cannon, still afloat
wrapped in sail to the hull of the boat,
found eight paddles, all unmanned,
one hammer, one vice, one plier with span.
Found strongbox of coin, one of notes,
nine table cloths used as ropes.
Cleared twenty bodies, 
all dead and gone,
Found many bits of unusable wood,
fuel is all it can stand for.
Found twelve lengths of solid board,
set to dry and press on shore.
Found again the flag of the queen,
found the flags also of numerous lands.
Mostly known: Damlah, Rengish, Spletting, Trey,
Kukulag, Sporan, Yulta, and Jagrat.
Then more flags, much unknown: 
one, a black field with dots like a leopard,
one, a green stripe over a checkered array,
many a solid purple with golden stars,
even one with the silhouette of a gun.
Where they were going was logged only as 
distant trading routes.
Many have charted this course
and not returned reporting these lands or flags.
To note: One board bore an inscription, 
a paper attached with a knife-
'Men, all dying, want a report,
to set the course back to our travels.
Pass the trade ports with a wide arc and 
pick up the wind from the south. 
Lands never seen before. Mapmakers wrong. 
Treasure unmeasurable. People tall and dark.
Do not offer them your hand for a greeting.
Water flows up from the sea, up the mountains,
 up into the clouds. Magic never witnessed before.
We promised them that we would bring them 
more of our trade. Fabric. Meats. Metals.
We are explorers all. Sailors and kings.
We have ruled more than we ever knew 
we could. Killt by a hateful storm. 
Don't remember us, avenge us. 
Find the captain's log. It will explain all.'

Captain's Log not found. Requesting eighty ships 
to return to wreck site to search the water, shore 
and deep. Requesting 100 iron bells to sink 
divers to the sea bed. Requesting new sails to maneuver.
Highest regards.

- dept. of the Quartermaster.