It was lovely - almost like singing inside a christmas light. shimmering.
It rained like hell today. Lots of water. Made me want to swim. mmm...

Jeff making a much larger version of the chess piece on the bottom right. Head in transit.

Dress in window. My director Chris' Saturn in the reflection.

Bewitching eyes in this book.
oh well, oh well,
no one knew the words to say
so wild, so wild,
no one knew the words to say
it’s the world, the world
no one knew the words to say.
sweet rest.
i still work on the video for you. sorry, can't do it right.
today i saw someone who looked just like you... i ahad a small heart attack... it appeared to be my sister's new boyfriend :)
i had a dream in which you asked if i wanted to move to atlanta. sounded fun but i woke up before i could get there.
happy vacances de printemps
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