Last night at the compound in austin. The lovely men of Picardy III.
AGAIN AGAIN! Listen to the wonderful Judas Feet.

Circlebirds. I saw them outside after their set had finished. Sad times. They were really sweet people, and Matt (pictured) had the most intense/wonderful, winter beard. Much larger than on his myspace.

Really wonderful set from Goodfellow. I really wish there had been thrice as many people at least to hear their set. They deserve Glastonbury-type crowds. Like, monster.
I fell for a girl again. Duh.
I had bad wine in an awesome bottle. hooray.
I listened to my dears rend their hearts to people at a middle school dance.
Literally, I was listening to this while hearing/watching people talk about what the best 'cheap' beer was: "She was always Paris, and I was always Rome/ She was always caring, and I was never home."
That happened. Thank you lord for strange moments.
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