like some crazy beat.
like some crazy beat.
you hear it through walls at a motel late night during a road trip.
you hear it through the walls at your dentist in the strip mall.
you hear it through your feet punctured and pulsing.
you hear it through a fist in the back of your heart.
you hear it through the earphones of the spicy latina at your right on the plane.
you hear it through the hallways of the abandoned school, someone is learning about the strangeness of life.
I always forgot to sit down and shove my abilities.
My throat swells with foul, foul, foul.
I figure that there is something wrong with me.
big surpise! Stop the presses, boy has revelation!
'But ma, I'm a lone wolf! I gotta hunt, and hide!
Dig and run! sniff and howl! Ma, I'm a lone wolf! Haaaoooooooooooo!!'
If I'm hated, people are still thinking of me, righhh...??
I started out with servitude in mind. Be that man with the helping hand.
Demand nothing in return, accept little.
I wanted that. I needed that. I lived that. I think.
But when it comes to love, love, love, I ain't gonna hear it from nobody.
She better not love me.
If she don't love me. She won't hurt when I leave.
I'll just roll on.
But home is where the heart is.
I'm bleeding,
barely moving forward,
looking for the home that I
out of reach from. ended that one badly. moving on.
point A: boy with brown hair.
point B: victim's home
note the delineation of staining between the two points. looks like there was a struggle.
box it up. tape it up. fold fold. thump, stretch, tear.
lay it down.
Keep it going small fry.
If she love me,
I gotta love real.
Love real.
Love forever.
(change of pace, p.s.)
Obviously, that is what I want. One soul. To love. forever. Or as long as I am allowed. And then I will love in vain, most likely. Will I allow it myself? shit.
I care. I care. I care. I care. hmm.
Good intentions. Good intentions. Good intentions. Good intentions. wha------
crash. crack. bang! springs. coils. smoke. dust. curses. scrapes.
"shoot, he's some kinda bad boy. Didn't used to be. My, oh my. (gee thanks, agnes)"
To the fearful leader:
You don't have to be so worried. Say what you feel. No one is gonna get mad. Expect the best. I know I haven't done what you wanted, so please say that. Or not. But let's work, and experiment. I believe in you, and I want you to believe in me. I am a little boat.
I am off to sleep. I really love this chance. this struggle. this, and this, and this. Someone take me sailing. I'm'a'g'may'money.
Sweet dreams, my lovely ones. I hope that there is someone to coo softly on your pillow. Wake up to fresh air and a fistful of resolve. Today is the first chance in your immediate future to do what needs to be done, what has been dreamed of, and what your love will grow from. cherish.
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