This was near the top floor of a warehouse downtown. Very wonderful light - I really never wanted to leave. Alas. It was bitter cold outside, and I loved the dusty mountains of leftover furniture and case files. The dust was like chalk. years and years without visitors. I figured that I could live in and construct a stately stove out of the stray iron pipes that lay about.
A nice winter mist descended on the parking lot of my apartment, and with the help of adria, this appeared.
And then with holden, I was fixed in cosmic-yoga bliss. I reached nirvana that week. Nothing to write home about, but I got a great swag bag.
I have been in the throws of designer passion on the latest show this season. I am working on Iphigenia 2.o from Charles Mee. I feel stupid being baffled and excited about shows. I feel sometimes that my art should always be effortless and nonchalant, but I also want a supreme excitement about it all. I live two lives. Or have started the process of doing so.
But I suppose that's where I end up with all of my endeavors these days. Terribly excited and dreaming. just dying for fresh eyes and voices. like foxes. their ears prick at the alien shudders of a mysterious animal in the fields. in the fields. Snapshot: me, one year from now, in a field, brushing debris away from a game of othello and a portrait of you. bewitching. I am eating fresh fruit these days, and I have a great sunshade made of patience. It silently pleads for the elements to be kind on me. But I get what I deserve. I have a furrow of smile lines that reach from my jowl to the tip top of my forehead. I will be wearing a slightly worn double breasted number that, when I sit, brushes the ground. I am all about cravats and I use three at a time. one for my collar. one for my brow. the final snatch of cloth is wrapped round my left hand where I sustained a tragic wound from a lover/sword fighter. Left for dead, I was found by an ornery russian seamstress. She dressed my wounds with herbs, battery acid and eyeliner. She was a surprise.
she always is.
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