coming home from work. this was peachtree center station around 6.
the careful search. This was a blissful night for me. I was a cowboy. I felt alive, living in my home town.

My birthday was this past weekend. To mark the very minute, we had a wonderful plate dance and littered/battered our kitchen floor. It was glorious.
"She has a vein in her forehead. Full of sorrow. It beats and groans as it attempts to free her soul. alma. Her heart sends up all the blood, trying to escape out the top of her head. straight shot to the sky. Let her go, please. Let her cry, let her stand, let her be silent, let her be still. You can't soothe her; you have moved on.
I'm sorry, but she can't receive that love right now. It doesn't work that way. no puedes ayudar.
I know this because I want to hold her too. I want to calm her. I want to call out the tears to feed my aches. I want to scream with her at the corners where you kissed. but that too, no, no it is not for me. "
I am buying combat boots for people tomorrow. I am going to meetings, finishing my work, and eating things that are good for me. my left knee is whining over something. I think it will hush if I sleep. so on to that.
Sweet dreams, all who need them. I think it is nice to be reminded, even if only in sleep, that there is a dreaming stone in our heads that yearns and will not rest.
I will not rest. Prague. Paris. Portland. Austin. Atlanta. Anywhere.
That will be me over head. My wings determined. determined. Thank you, my lover of lives before. I will find you. King me. King me. King me. I will find my way to that sweet nest. I will fix it up with guided hands and I will sing to the forest, and they will live on, knowing the song reached those captive trees and wind-ears. I will be that orpheus. I will rend that tree and find my earth/water girl, but she will not be taken away. Little promises. yes.
come soon! i'll have birthday present for you!
the first picture is stunning. im enjoy your new writes.
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